Updates on QR and Curvature

Updates on QR and Curvature

This is just an update on two topics looked over during the summer. In the case of the QR flow and Toda flow equivalence, I have had a hard time finding it due to some strange ways how Mathematica computes the QR composition. You can try yourself: the diagonal entries of the R matrix in the decomposition can have positive or negative signs. I had noticed there was a problem and eventually brushed over it because the theoretical proof was so clear. Last Friday, I decided to add the QR factorization routine from scratch, rather than hacking the built-in routine. Here it is


Lets look at some example. The assignment of signs to the diagonal entries is in the built in routine pretty random.

A = Table[RandomInteger[10], {4}, {4}]; 
{q, r} = QRDecomposition[1.0 A]; {Q, R} = QR[1.0 A]; 
Map[MatrixForm, Chop[{q, r}]]
Map[MatrixForm, Chop[{Q, R}]]

An other update is to curvature, the topological index part of the story. The facet curvature of odd dimensional manifolds is not always constant zero. For the 3-dimensional projective plane = SO(3) for example it is is not. Update September 2: A PDF of the edge curvature paper.